Our lives have turned upside down due to the health danger that Covid-19 poses to all around the globe. People are now thinking twice before taking their next step and even distancing themselves from the general population altogether. Covering our faces with medical masks and wearing gloves to prevent the contamination of germs has become part of our daily routine.
In an era where people are afraid of getting contaminated and causing severe harm to themselves and to others, living in a clean and sterile environment has become crucial. The majority of the population always been paying proper attention to their hygiene and cleanliness of their surroundings before Coronavirus; others, unfortunately, needed a stark reminder from the virus to start acting on cleansing routine.
Staying clean is not just about ourselves but keeping our surroundings clean and sterilize as well because that is the only way to fight against an unseen enemy that is in the form of microorganism that is part of life.

Germs Around Us
From the first step you take from the front door to inside, there is a potential that health hazard germs will be around. Please note that germs are not something new, and even before Covid-19, we lived in a world made up of microorganisms, it is just part of life.
However, most of the germs that are around us considered as not harmful to humans. Covid-19, on the other hand, is a type of virus that has the potential to cause serious harm to young and the old, and because of this possibility, we have to treat every germ as a potential hazard.
Agents that cause the Coronavirus disease are all around us. The experts in the science community noted that transmission of Covid-19 happens when we touch a surface infected by the disease or breathe in the air that has the particles of the virus.
There are many areas of our homes that require special attention to cleaning. Garages and kitchens are infamous for being a base for germs and the like. However, on most people’s list, bathroom and shower is the peak spot on homes for infesting nasty invisible creatures.
Unlike other parts of our homes, it is not surprising that bathrooms and showers are the most used areas of our house. In today’s age, it is also not surprising for houses to have multiple toilets and showers. You and your occupants use the bathroom portion of your home multiple times a day. Because of this, bathrooms require a triple amount of attention in cleanliness, especially in a Coronavirus world.

How to Clean
The Toilet
In a recent article by Bloomberg – Dutch scientists have discovered that Coronavirus may indeed survive in the feces, so this alone should put a thought in your mind that you may need to increase the frequency of cleaning.
Using a household bleach to clean the toilet is an ideal way to start. Some people, unfortunately, can be overwhelmed by the odor of the bleach, and others can have allergic reactions to the strong chemical.
If you are concerned about using bleach and the potential harm it can cause you, using a solution like Nasiol Clean can help you clean the hard surface of your toilet without the odor of harsh chemicals. Please do remember to use protective gear such as gloves and face mask before any cleaning.
Stains are common around the toilet and the seat, so using a hard brush will make the cleaning process more manageable. Sometimes lime stains or other stubborn deposits will form in the toilet bowl, and using Nasiol Clean will assist you in removing those stains.
The Shower
It is a possibility that whenever you finished taking a shower that you leave germs that are clinging on to the walls and shower door. The shower cabinet is either made out of glass or plexiglass.
You are using the spray option to clean the inside and the outside of the cabinet door recommended. Also, using a microfiber cloth will help to wipe down the solution that you are using, and microfibers are also good at drawing dirt.
If you have not previously applied the cabinet and the tiles of the shower with a solution like Nasiol HomeShine to prevent the buildup of soap scum and lime on the surface, then using a brush to remove those stains is recommended. For the glass and plexiglass surfaces choosing a softer brush that won’t scratch the surface.
1 comment
Tex Hooper
I like your shower tips. I need a new tile set. My old ones are broken.