Temperatures are warming up, summer is right around the corner, and it is time for summer trips, taking longer vacations, and those who live by the water, it is time of the season to take watercraft on to the water.
Boating enthusiasts have been preparing and planning all winter long to enjoy warm summer days on the water by chilling on their watercraft. Whether you own a boat, pontoon, a yacht, ski boat, or any other watercraft, the enjoyment and the thrill of owning one of these machines can be priceless.
When comparing with car owners, people who own watercraft are tend to be more obsessed at taking caring of their property and this could be attributed to because we tend to spend an only limited amount of time on our watercraft during the year than we do on our cars, so we want the watercraft to dazzle when we take it on to the water.
The other reason why most pay more attention to the well-being of our watercraft is that they tend to cost more at obtaining and also in maintaining them. To the majority of the population, owning a boat or a yacht is a luxury item. And owning one of these priciest machines can be a sign of status symbol that you have made it.
Nonetheless, even though these expensive and bulky machines do provide the thrill and the enjoyment of a lifetime, they do not come with a worry-free tag. Regardless of what they cost of the boat or a yacht might be, they will need maintenance to function properly just like your car does.

One of the common enemies of all watercraft is corrosion. The saltwater and prolonged exposure to water will cause rusting over time. There are different variations of rusting, but simply put rusting occurs on metal when water and oxygen come in contact with the metallic surface.
There are various parts on your boat or yacht that are made out of metallic components which are prone to getting in contact with water, well since you are floating on water it is nearly impossible for those parts not to be in contact.
From boat cleats used to dock your boat to the propellers, without proper maintenance and care, these parts will overtime experience corrosion. Regardless of what the brand or the model of a watercraft you have, almost all metals will experience corrosion to some degree, some metals experience faster corrosion, with exposure to water and oxygen. Most of us are familiar with corrosion, when the yellowish-red coloring shows itself on the surface, corrosion has begun.
Even though corrosion can be an eyesore, cause devaluing of your equipment, and cause expensive repairs, one thing to consider and remain calm about is that majority of the corrosions take some time, months, and in some cases even years to appear on metal. Do know that if you own a watercraft there is no escape from corrosion and it part of the marine culture. However, just because it is part of the boating life it does not mean you cannot take preemptive actions against corrosion to protect your pricey investment.

The majority of people who boat tend to use the lakes near them, and even though lake water tends to be low on saltwater it still does have quite amount that can cause damage. However, those who venture out to larger pools of water the seas and the oceans, the saltwater level increases and saltwater speeds up the process of corrosion.
Those who live in areas where winters are heavy, the road salt used to melt the snow, and even though it does wonders for melting the snow, it does, however, cause expensive damage to your vehicle, and in most cases causes rust.
According to Sciencing.com “Saltwater corrodes metal five times faster than freshwater does and the salty, humid ocean air causes the metal to corrode 10 times faster than air with normal humidity. Bacteria in ocean water also consume iron and their excretions turn to rust.”
Here at Nasiol, our engineers work tirelessly to find effective solutions to everyday problems, whether those problems occur in our homes, cars, or out in the water. In recent years our engineers have developed a solution to combat corrosion from occurring on metals.
The most effective remedy for preventing corrosion from occurring on your metal boat parts is to treat it with a solution like Nasiol’s MetalShine Marine to prevent corrosion from occurring. MetalShine is a simple application that is safe to use on all metal parts of your boat, yacht, and pontoon.